
Friday, May 1, 2020

falling off my bike in soft sand

                               falling off my bike in soft sand

I went to the beach with my brother Ryan it was his birthday. He wanted to go to the beach and hit ramps. He starts riding my bike and broke my ramp-like 50 times I told him to get off my bike but he won't listen to me so I made him by pulling the brakes. Then I told him to get off now, please could I keep riding on your bike only If you make a ramp as good as mine ok he said ok when we started making a ramp I started running to my bike and said my turn my bike. I hit the ramp that we made first. I got some speed and I said when I hit It I'm gonna land it. When I was landing I fell off my bike.


  1. Wow Matteo! You have done a great job posting this snapshot of a lockdown moment. Top job. What other ramps or tricks could you try on the beach with your bike and bubble?

  2. That was so funny, Matteo!!!

  3. Hi Matteo. I can just picture you and Ryan at the beach and making jump ramps. Big brothers.... they can certainly be a challenge. Good thinking though, running to your bike when he's building ramps. Hope you got back up and kept going.

  4. holy moly! that was cool.

  5. that was funny lol

  6. ahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahahhahaha

  7. omg that was so funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnny

  8. i cant stop laughing

  9. that was so funny bro!!!! haha
